Florida Coast Superpolymer Coveralls

Florida Coast Superpolymer Coveralls
Super polymer coveralls. Unmatchable protection for the dirty jobs! ordinary coveralls don't come close. Made for virtually impenetrable toughness, they're excellent for the messiest tasks, especially those with airborne dirt and dust or sprayed and splattered liquids. One size fits most. Full-zipper front. Elastic ankles, wrists and hood face opening. Disposable. Order now to make a clean getaway from the dirtiest tasks.
Florida Coast Coveralls are made from our Special Patent Super-Polymer. With 28 – individual features engineered in the product to make our suit the absolute, top of the line, worldwide. Made for virtually impenetrable toughness, weather its Industrial, Medical, and Personal Protection, we got the best suit out there. We have 50 years of Excellence in dominating the coverall industry with the finest suits in the entire market place. Designed by Matthew Deedon international leader in engineering & manufacturing protective apparel. FULL Head 2 toe protection. Washable, reusable or disposable. Airborne dirt & dust, sprayed chemicals, spattered liquids, Blood, paint, asbestos, doesn’t matter NOTHING gets by this coverall GREAT use for Industrial or personal protection. We have you covered. If it doesn’t have the Shiny Gold Seal of approval & the United States of America flag on the front of the suit than its not Florida Coast.
Very flexible and comfortable product making you forget that you are wearing it when you are doing your important job.
AMERICA’s Favorite Coverall for 50 Years !!!!!